Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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The Spirituality of Supervision

Ann Garrido
Often as experienced ministers we are asked to mentor and/or supervise a new minister in the field. As Ann Garrido discusses in her book, "A Concise Guide to Supervising a Ministry Student", quality mentoring can provide a valuable service to the new minister, but it also can be transforming in the life of the experienced minister as well. In this webinar, Garrido will explore the way that the practices of supervision, including theological reflection, can enrich the spiritual journey of the mentor.
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Humility of Heart: Keys to Understanding St. Benedict of Nursia

Susan Muto|Lori McMahon
Considered the father of western monasticism, St. Benedict of Nursia discloses in his rule the central importance of humility of heart. He grounds his understanding of this virtue in the integration of ora et labora (prayer and work) for the whole of Christian life. In this webinar, Susan Muto and Lori McMahon of the Epiphany Association—which promotes the teaching and research of formative spirituality—will discuss the Benedictine tradition, its place in the context of Christian spirituality, and its implications for ministry and everyday living.
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Humble Leaders, Lasting Impact

Joel Stepanek
There are many kinds of leaders, but humble leaders take a ministry from “good” to “great.” But humility isn’t always intuitive and can even seem counterproductive. How do we lead humbly without giving up our credibility? How do we celebrate wins without being prideful? This webinar examines the key to success and the necessity of humility as a characteristic of any leader and how we serve and strive for great things while remaining grounded and focused.
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Stranger God: Encountering God in Refugees and Migrants Webinar

Sr. Marilyn Lacey, RSM
With millions of displaced refugees and migrants in our world, and many at our doorstep, what is our faith response? Scripture reveals that the best way to encounter the living God is to engage with strangers. How can we as individuals and as the Church do that in a dangerous world?Sr. Marilyn Lacey, R.S.M., has spent her life working with displaced peoples. As the founder of Mercy Beyond Borders, she currently works with women in South Sudan and Haiti. In 2001 she was personally honored by the Dalai Lama as an "unsung hero of compassion." Her spiritual memoir, This Flowing Toward Me: A Story of God Arriving in Strangers, was pub...
With millions of displaced refugees and migrants in our world, and many at our doorstep, what is our faith response? Scripture reveals that the best way to encounter the living God is to engage with strangers. How can we as individuals and as the Church do that in a dangerous world?Sr. Marilyn Lacey, R.S.M., has spent her life working with displaced peoples. As the founder of Mercy Beyond Borders, she currently works with women in South Sudan and Haiti. In 2001 she was personally honored by the Dalai Lama as an "unsung hero of compassion." Her spiritual memoir, This Flowing Toward Me: A Story of God Arriving in Strangers, was published by Ave Maria Press in 2009.
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Strengthening Your Inner Life in Challenging Times: The Simple Care of a Hopeful Heart

Robert J. Wicks
One of the greatest gifts you can share with others is a sense of your own peace. But you can’t share what you don’t have. Dr. Robert J. Wicks, an expert on the prevention of secondary stress—the pressures you experience in reaching out to others—offers insight into how you can live in peace and extend your warmth to others without losing your inner fire.You will learn how to: offer a nonjudgmental presence; maintain a healthy perspective; avoid dangers that lead to unnecessary stress; develop a self-care protocol; Know the four “voices” we need in our circle of friends to have balance and courage in life; improve self-awareness; face ...
One of the greatest gifts you can share with others is a sense of your own peace. But you can’t share what you don’t have. Dr. Robert J. Wicks, an expert on the prevention of secondary stress—the pressures you experience in reaching out to others—offers insight into how you can live in peace and extend your warmth to others without losing your inner fire.You will learn how to: offer a nonjudgmental presence; maintain a healthy perspective; avoid dangers that lead to unnecessary stress; develop a self-care protocol; Know the four “voices” we need in our circle of friends to have balance and courage in life; improve self-awareness; face inner darkness; and develop a richer sense of prayer. Practical, illustrative, lively, this rich presentation will provide essential information on resilience, compassion, spirituality, and personal/professional wellbeing.
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Supporting Motherhood: Facing the Challenges from a Parish Perspective

Sarah A. Reinhard
In a parish environment, there is an increasing need for volunteers in various ministries and yet there is also an audience that needs ministry attention: mothers. It's a group that serves others in many invisible ways and yet is often ignored and overtapped. Sarah Reinhard, author of A Catholic Mother's Companion to Pregnancy, will consider how we minister to mothers within our parish communities.How can we support the mothers in our parishes throughout their mothering journey? What tools can we use to minister, encourage, and relate with them and foster the growth of our parish communities? How do we tap into the social nature wo...
In a parish environment, there is an increasing need for volunteers in various ministries and yet there is also an audience that needs ministry attention: mothers. It's a group that serves others in many invisible ways and yet is often ignored and overtapped. Sarah Reinhard, author of A Catholic Mother's Companion to Pregnancy, will consider how we minister to mothers within our parish communities.How can we support the mothers in our parishes throughout their mothering journey? What tools can we use to minister, encourage, and relate with them and foster the growth of our parish communities? How do we tap into the social nature women naturally have with the overbooked and overworked nature of the life many of them actually have?This webinar will reflect on ways to approach the mothers of our parishes, and especially those who have to juggle children's schedules, working responsibilities, and the need for more spiritual support from their parish family.
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Supporting Those in Your Parish Who Are Living with Dementia

Kate Fassbender
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Pro-Life and Pro-Woman: How to Empower a Culture of Faithful Feminism

Claire Swinarski
In our modern culture, the Catholic Church is often painted as “at odds” with the feminist movement. In this webinar, Claire Swinarski offers information and insight on how to empower the women in your parish to understand that to be pro-woman is to be pro-life. Offering pro-life answers for pro-choice questions, Swinarski makes the argument that true feminism lies within Jesus and His teachings, and that to be truly pro-woman is to be pro-life. This webinar will help you effectively communicate about pro-life issues within your parish in a way that’s dignifying, graceful, and scientifically accurate.
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