Current Event: Teenage Protestors Confronted by School Official
You may have seen the video of a teenage brother and sister protesting against abortion on the sidewalk near a Philadelphia area public high school.They were confronted verbally by the school's assistant principal. The incident brings up several questions that can serve as an important classroom discussion. The full video (18 minutes) includes one scene of inappropriate language. An edited version is shorter (4:56) and the language has been edited out. You might also want to note an online petition being circulated to save the school official's job, as he was suspended after the incident. If you show the video to your students, here are some questions that may spark a discussion. Discussion Questions What is a lesson of Christian witness in this video? What is a lesson of free speech in this video? What is your feeling about the student protestors and their actions? What is your feeling about the assistant principal and his actions? The students described a “holocaust” taking place in the United States today? What did they mean? How might students at your school react if greeted by this scene on leaving campus? How might students at a neighboring public school react if greeted by this scene on leaving campus? What discipline should the school official face for his role in this incident?