Gently Rooting Out Sin
Featuring Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN
Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN, joins Katie this week to talk about sin. Sr. Josephine explains that while sin is the cause of much of our woundedness, we should remember that we weren't created to sin but to be sons and daughters of Christ. Rather than being hyper-focused on sin, we should look for God's healing through prayer and the sacraments.
The Roots of Sin
Even sinful tendencies that we notice in ourselves can be avenues for deeper conversion. There is always a reason why we do what we do—our hearts are always trying to tell us something. Many times we simply try to “manage” the fruit of our sinful tree without ever looking more deeply into the roots of why we do what we do.
—Excerpt from Restore: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation
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