Third Week

Leaning into Lent

Featuring Paul George

March 12, 2023 | 34 min.

Paul George talks about leaning into intentional prayer and giving generously of our first fruits during Lent. These spiritual practices can sometimes make us uncomfortable, but the Lord can help us grow in that discomfort.

Return to Me with Fasting

“If sin is the choice to turn from God and remain away from our home with him, then each of these three remedies plays a part in our return. In brief, fasting quiets the inordinate desire for earthly delights and thus stirs the deeper hunger for eternal food. Prayer leads us to ponder, in mind and heart, the glory and goodness of God; it helps us to interact intimately with the God who dwells in our midst. Almsgiving is distinct. It teaches us to share in the heart of
God in showing mercy toward the misery of others.”
Return, p. 81

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