How to Live the Liturgical Year
Featuring Kendra Tierney
Kendra Tierney is a mother of ten children between the ages of twenty-one and three, living just outside of Los Angeles, CA. She has a great devotion to celebrating the liturgical year in the home and getting to know the saints and seasons of the Church calendar through food, prayer, and conversation. Kendra is a blogger, an author, a speaker, and a creator. She is also the co-founder of the Fiat Conference, which is held at her home! You can learn more about Kendra at her blog and shop,Catholic All Year.
Kendra Tierney wanted to teach her children about the depth and beauty of Catholicism and give them a lived discipleship that wasn’t stuffy or boring. In her quest to pass on a vibrant faith, she discovered the rhythms of the Church year—encompassing saints' feast days and the tapestry of liturgical seasons—as a foundation to illuminate, educate, and infuse the everyday with boundless joy and fun. Her exploration led to the creation of Catholic All Year, a one stop blog and shop that helps families embrace the liturgical year and nurture the faith within the home. Experience Kendra's journey to learn practical ways you can also bring your own faith journey alive and pass that joy on to those you love.
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