Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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Webinar: Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life

Bob Schuchts
Also available on Vimeo.Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your LifeThis webinar is for all those who truly desire to share Jesus' powerful love with others, and who personally long for ever deepening healing encounters with Him. With over thirty-five years of experience in parish ministry and in working intimately with Church leaders, Bob Schuchts has led many into profound healing encounters with Jesus.During this webinar, Bob will invite each of the participants to take a fresh look at their personal lives through the lenses of their baptisms and the prodigal son story, showing how we all readily adopt ...
Also available on Vimeo.Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your LifeThis webinar is for all those who truly desire to share Jesus' powerful love with others, and who personally long for ever deepening healing encounters with Him. With over thirty-five years of experience in parish ministry and in working intimately with Church leaders, Bob Schuchts has led many into profound healing encounters with Jesus.During this webinar, Bob will invite each of the participants to take a fresh look at their personal lives through the lenses of their baptisms and the prodigal son story, showing how we all readily adopt false identities and, in doing so, obscure the face of Jesus in our ministries.Sharing experiences from his own healing journey, Bob will encourage participants to enter more fully into their baptismal identities as beloved sons and daughters of the Father. All genuine ministry flows from this foundational identity, which becomes strengthened by personal healing experiences.Get the book Be Healed here at Ave Maria Press.
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Behold Your Mother: The Why and How of Marian Consecration

Fr. Edward Looney
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Bringing Hope to the Bereaved in Your Parish: Insights from the Seasons of Hope Approach

M. Donna MacLeod
Join M. Donna MacLeod, a nationally recognized hospice care and bereavement specialist and author of Seasons of Hope: Creating and Sustaining Catholic Bereavement Groups and Participant Journals, as we explore what makes the Seasons of Hope bereavement group approach truly minister to the spiritual side of grieving. This overview also highlights Seasons of Hope’s simple session format that flows with a comforting blend of prayer, commentary, scripture, reflection exercises, faith sharing, fellowship, and Catholic tradition.
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Bereavement Ministry: Giving Voice to Our Grief and Suffering

David Aaker|Jan Nelson
In this webinar, authors David Aaker and Jan Nelson will help participants give voice to those who suffer, as well as those who care for the suffering. How do we give voice to ambiguous losses, for example, when we lose our job, become ill, or are deployed?Violence arises when we don't know what to do with our suffering. When we give voice to people's grief and suffering, the violence to self and others is reduced. Join David and Jan as they walk ministers through the process of giving voice to grief and suffering. They share tips on organizing bereavement groups and organizing bereavement counseling in your area. Anyone who wants ...
In this webinar, authors David Aaker and Jan Nelson will help participants give voice to those who suffer, as well as those who care for the suffering. How do we give voice to ambiguous losses, for example, when we lose our job, become ill, or are deployed?Violence arises when we don't know what to do with our suffering. When we give voice to people's grief and suffering, the violence to self and others is reduced. Join David and Jan as they walk ministers through the process of giving voice to grief and suffering. They share tips on organizing bereavement groups and organizing bereavement counseling in your area. Anyone who wants to offer bereavement support will find value in their presentation.Presented by David Aaker and Jan Nelson, authors of The Bereavement Ministry Program: A Comprehensive Guide for Churches.
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Be Transformed Webinar

Bob Schuchts
Dr. Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center and author of the new book Be Transformed, will offer insights into how parish leaders and experience and present the sacraments in ways that will transform their lives.Want to make sure your parishioners are truly moved by the experience of Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, and the other Sacraments? Watch today.
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Beyond the Fish Fry

Steffani Aquila
Lent is a sacred season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—an invitation to deeper conversion. But how can parishes actively support their communities in living the richness of this season beyond the annual fish fry? In this webinar, we’ll explore practical ways to support parishioners in living the liturgical life of the Church, providing spiritual nourishment, engaging practices, and communal support. From fostering meaningful Lenten devotions to creating opportunities for service and reflection, we’ll discuss strategies to help parishioners embrace the season. Whether you’re a parish staff member, minister, or volunteer, this session wi...
Lent is a sacred season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—an invitation to deeper conversion. But how can parishes actively support their communities in living the richness of this season beyond the annual fish fry? In this webinar, we’ll explore practical ways to support parishioners in living the liturgical life of the Church, providing spiritual nourishment, engaging practices, and communal support. From fostering meaningful Lenten devotions to creating opportunities for service and reflection, we’ll discuss strategies to help parishioners embrace the season. Whether you’re a parish staff member, minister, or volunteer, this session will equip you with concrete ideas to enrich the Lenten experience for your faith community.
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Bible Basics: How to Get Through the Bible in an Hour with Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma
The Bible is so long, it's easy to lose sight of the forest, because you're lost in the trees. Join Dr. John Bergsma, associate professor of theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a senior fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, as he shares perspectives, techniques, and light-hearted sketches that make it easy to learn, remember, and teach the "big picture" of the Bible storyline. Based on his new book, "Bible Basics for Catholics," Dr. Bergsma's visual approach can be adapted for a variety of settings in the parish or school, for catechesis, evangelism, or faith formation.Th...
The Bible is so long, it's easy to lose sight of the forest, because you're lost in the trees. Join Dr. John Bergsma, associate professor of theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a senior fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, as he shares perspectives, techniques, and light-hearted sketches that make it easy to learn, remember, and teach the "big picture" of the Bible storyline. Based on his new book, "Bible Basics for Catholics," Dr. Bergsma's visual approach can be adapted for a variety of settings in the parish or school, for catechesis, evangelism, or faith formation.This webinar was moderated by Dianna Leinen, former parish resources marketing specialist at Ave Maria Press. The Professional Development Webinar series is presented exclusively by Ave Maria Press in partnership with the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership and the National Association for Lay Ministry.
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Bodacious! 10 Discussion Starters about the Feminine Genius during the Year of Faith

Pat Gohn
In this webinar Pat Gohn, author of the new book Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious, and Endow's Executive Director and Bodacious Foreword writer, Terry Polakovic, discuss the top themes that celebrate the gift of womanhood from a Catholic perspective. In this "Top Ten" style presentation, (with apologies to David Letterman), Pat and Terry unpack the wisdom and the beauty of the feminine genius, with a special emphasis on a woman's blessed dignity, beautiful gifts, and bodacious mission.Using a "best of" approach, these two educators will offer fast-paced snippets quoting key resources and magisterial documents t...
In this webinar Pat Gohn, author of the new book Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious, and Endow's Executive Director and Bodacious Foreword writer, Terry Polakovic, discuss the top themes that celebrate the gift of womanhood from a Catholic perspective. In this "Top Ten" style presentation, (with apologies to David Letterman), Pat and Terry unpack the wisdom and the beauty of the feminine genius, with a special emphasis on a woman's blessed dignity, beautiful gifts, and bodacious mission.Using a "best of" approach, these two educators will offer fast-paced snippets quoting key resources and magisterial documents that can be used as conversation starters with women, as well as offering resources that can become the basis of local parish curricula or discussion groups for women.The new evangelization will never move forward without women understanding their specific role in it. Here's a great place to start.
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