
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
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What is the difference between Eastern Catholic Churches and Eastern Orthodox Churches?

This is a question that is often confusing to Catholics who have grown up in the Roman Catholic Church. You may wish to share with them this response: After the Eastern Schism in 1054, eastern churches no longer in union with Rome came to be known as Eastern Orthodox or simply “Orthodox Churches.” Eastern Churches that remained in union with Rome are called Eastern Catholic Churches, or often the “Eastern Church.” An easy way to remember is this: “If the name of the Eastern Church as “Orthodox” in its title, it is not in union with Rome. Eastern Churches accept the pope as the leader of the Church. Eastern Churches are fully Catholic. While all the Eastern Churches accept the authority of the pope, they also have a great deal of autonomy in Church life. They are governed by a separate code, called the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. This code helps to preserve some traditions that differ from the Roman Catholic Church, including the ordination of married men to the priesthood. Eastern Churches worship with their own style liturgy.  The Armenian, Byzantine, Coptic, Ethiopian, East Syrian (or Chaldean), West Syrian, and Maronite liturgical rites and certain other liturgical rites of local churches and religious orders have been recognized as authentic liturgical expressions within the Catholic Church. The three largest Eastern Churches are the Byzantine Ukranian Greek Catholic Church, the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, and the Maronite Catholic Church. Finally, what are "10 Frustrations Every Eastern Rite Catholic Understands"? This informative and fun article helps to answer that question!

Catholic Olympians 2016

Several current Olympians on the 2016 United States of America team have publicly witnessed to their Catholic faith while in Rio de Janeiro. Three of the most prominent are gymnast Simon Boles, swimmer Katie Ledecky, and fencer Katharine Holmes. There are many recent news reports detailing aspects of their life as practicing Catholics. One story with several links is posted here. At the conclusion of his August 3 public audience, Pope Francis shared these words to Olympians: “In a world thirsting for peace, tolerance, and reconciliation, I hope that the spirit of the Olympic Games inspires all – participants and spectators – to ‘fight the good fight’ and finish the race together (cf. 2 Tim 4,7-8), desiring to obtain as a prize, not a medal, but something much more precious:  the construction of a civilization in which solidarity reigns and is based upon the recognition that we are all members of the same human family, regardless of the differences of culture, skin color, or religion,” the Pope said.

Baseball Hall of Famer Mike Piazza Shares His Catholic Faith

In July 2016, former major league catcher Mike Piazza, was inducted to the baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, New York. In his induction speech, Piazza thanked many people who inspired him along the way, including both his father and his mother. He particularly thanked his mother for sharing with him her devout Catholic faith. He said in part: “(My mother) gave me the gift of my Catholic faith, the greatest gift a mother could give a child, which has had a profound impact on my career and has given me patience, compassion and hope. Pope Benedict the XVI said, ‘One who has hope, lives differently.’ Mom, you raised five boys, and you were always there for me" In an interview on EWTN with Raymond Arroyo following the Cooperstown ceremony, Piazza told more about his journey to the major leagues and the importance of his Catholic faith. This sixteen-minute video is inspirational and approriate viewing for high school students.

Helping Teens Recognize and Reduce Stress

Stress is defined as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.” While not all stress is bad, poorly managed stress negatively affects the immune system, making a person more susceptible to other diseases. Identify the following stressors typical among student and help your students to recognize these: test-taking paper writing parental expectations about grades and college the lack of money the lack of sleep being ill coping with social pressures from friends the demands of extracurricular activities having a job that takes away from study time being involved in a romantic relationship (or the lack thereof) dealing with demanding teachers carrying unrealistic self-expectations After helping students recognize stressors, share some strategies for stress reduction: Vigorous exercise. Physical activity correlates well with mental acuity and psychological well being Eat well. When you are run down physically, you’ll lack stamina to cope with stressors. Prioritize. List what is really important. Do those things first. Eliminate as many non-essentials as possible. Imagine the worst-case scenario. What would you do if this really happen? How likely is this to happen? Being prepared for the worst-case scenario will make you ready to handle it, if it ever should occur no matter how unlikely. Listen to music. Take a nap. Distinguish between working hard and being a workaholic. Hard workers are focused and organized. Workaholics are disorganized, escape their problems with work, and don’t know how to relax. Serve others. Jesus taught that if you lose yourself in service, you find yourself. Participate in a project that helps the less fortunate. Accept your humanity. If your stress is self-induced, perhaps you are being unrealistic. Set realistic goals for yourself. Get help. Maintain a support group of friends or family and, as needed, school counselors and health professionals. Talking problems out is a stress reducer. Pray.

Direct Service for Teens

The USCCB’s Renewing the Vision : A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry document addresses the essential nature of justice and a service component that should accompany any programming for teens, including teens enrolled in a Catholic high school. It offers distinctive feature that give direction to this component. Justice and service is meant to: engage the teens in the scope of Catholic social teaching, beginning with the teachings of Jesus; involve the teens in direct service to those in need; promote Gospel-based lifestyles and choices among teens; help them reflect on direct service experiences and pay special attention to why service is important; teach them to work in cooperation with others—peers, the parish, and the community—in promoting justice and service; nurture in teens a lifelong commitment to justice and service. As you consider ways to incorporate service into your curriculum and lesson planning, begin with these reflections: Think about the successful opportunities for direct service you have provided for your teens. What are some common elements of these success stories? Describe the attitude of your teens toward direct service. What do you find difficult in teaching your teens about a Christian’s call to service? Name some ways you can incorporate the Church’s social teaching within your lessons. Brainstorm a list of other school, parish, and community agencies with whom your youth group could partner to serve others. Prayer Jesus, wash our souls of all pride and greed as we continue in our desire to serve our brothers and sisters. As the teens begin to formulate a plan for their lives, help them keep in mind the model of service you shared with your disciples. We ask this in your name. Amen.

Stand Against Violence: A Prayer

Prayer against Crime and Violence Lord God, crime is on the increase within our city and our country. From the depths of our hearts we pray that you will comfort, heal, and bless all victims of crime. We ask that you protect all people from the evil of crime and violence. We pray especially for life-changing conversion for all criminals and the violent—                 remove all evil form their hearts,                 fill them with your goodness and love         that they may cease their evil works         and that our city and land be free from the         scourge of crime and violence. We pray also for the grace to purge ourselves of all violence—                 in our own thoughts and actions,                 in our family life,                 in our friendships,                 in relationships with others Lord, I personal commit to refrain from violent acts or words                 To settle conflicts. I further swear to teach others, especially our youth,                 that violence is too quick an answer                 that produces irreparable, life-long                                 and threatening results. Amen.   This prayer was composed by the people of St. Dorothy Catholic Church in Chicago, Illinois. St. Dorothy’s mission statement is as follows: “St. Dorothy Catholic Church is committed to ending violence against everyone—by raising awareness and understanding, education and personal development, promotion of diversity and spiritual partnership.”

Understanding Facets of “White Privilege”

Conduct a discussion as a way to allow white students in your class to be aware of some preferential treatments they experience because they are white. Likewise, allow students of color to discuss their perspectives of some of these experiences. Make a worksheet of with the twelve items listed below and pass it out to the students.  These items were adapted from “Celebrating Racial Diversity” by Kathleen McGinnis and published in Activities for Catholic Social Teaching. Items I can walk down a residential street in a white neighborhood and no one will automatically think I am a babysitter or a delivery person. If I can make any grammatical or spelling errors, no one will attribute my mistakes to my race. I can walk into a store late at night and probably no one will think I am there to rob it. In the classroom, it is not automatically assumed that I will have to work harder than others to get good grades. Most everyone who looks at me will assume that I am an American citizen and can speak English. If I have a responsible job or scholarship, no one thinks I got it because of “quotas.” Other white people in an elevator won’t tense up and wonder what I might do. I can pay with a credit card or check and won’t be questioned. People hear I am going to college and no one is surprised. If I want to teach my younger brothers and sisters about my culture, there are many museums and cultural events to which I can take them. I can have or wear nice things or ride in a nice car and no one will automatically think I am being wasteful or say, “Isn’t that typical?” No one assumes when I give my opinion that I am speaking on behalf of my entire race.   Ask the white students to mark each of the twelve items with a plus sign for items they agree with, a minus sign for those they disagree with, and a question mark for those they are not sure about or don’t understand. Students of color should mark the items they have experienced. Take each item, one at a time, and ask the students how they marked them. Spend additional time discussing the items that generate the most intense response. Present this final question: “What other privileges do white Americans enjoy?” Have the students write their responses. Then spend time discussing their responses. Write some of the things they listed on the board. Conclude with a final reflection. Ask the students how they felt about this activity. Then have them brainstorm some solutions to these issues and suggest ways to rectify white privilege.

Resource Links for Catholic Theology Teachers

Please note and bookmark this excellent source of lessons plans and teacher enrichment articles in the July 2016 issue of Christian Brothers College High School theology teacher Charles Beach's RelEDWeb Newsletter. For example, note the RelEdWeb Newsletter link to an article "10 Facts about Atheists." This information is a good primer for dissecting recent statistics from a CARA study on atheism summarized in an article by Brandon Vogt.