
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
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Teens Pray, Remind Them How

If you’ve worked with teenagers or spent any significant time with them at all, then you know that teens do pray. You also know that their prayer is genuine and from the heart. You have likely witnessed all the main forms of prayer done well and done spontaneously by teens. Consider the examples that follow: Petition. It was one of those big rivalry games, the local public school versus the Catholic school on Friday night football. When a player from the public school team was felled by an injury that first appeared serious, the players on the sidelines from the Catholic school team suddenly dropped to their knees in prayer. What a witness to the friends and neighbors on the other side of the field.Intercession. A teen preparing for Confirmation was asked if she ever prayed: “Yes, I do,” she said. “I also talk to my grandmother a lot. She died last year.”Praise. If you’ve been to a youth rally, diocesan youth day, or some school Masses, you’ve likely experienced loud music, singing, swaying, and praying.Thanksgiving. The passenger van a youth minister was driving broke down outside of Tijuana, Mexico on the way back home to L.A. after visiting some children at an orphanage. The youth minister walked with another teen north to the city to get some help. When they returned, an adult co-worker and the rest of the teens were praying the rosary. When the youth minister got inside the van, one boy, said, “Thank you, Jesus!”Adoration. Ask a teen, “Where do you find God?” and a great many will tell you: “I find God in nature.” Or, “I find God in creation.”Blessing. This is the movement of Christian prayer. We bless God for having blessed us. You have probably been awed by the way the teens bless each other, hugging their friends on greeting or departing. In this way they truly bless the God who is present in all.Teens do pray. A task for teachers and catechists is to help teens name what they already are doing as prayer. Another is to provide opportunities for teens to feel comfortable praying together. A third is to encourage teens to increase the time they spend alone with God in prayer.Let’s look at the third task—probably the most difficult one—first. While true that prayer can happen anywhere—in the car, while exercising, before a stressful test—teens (adults and children, too) should be encouraged to spend some definite, planned time each day with the Lord. When? Suggest a time right before bed. Homework and phone calls to friends are over for the night. Where? The privacy of one’s own room is the best place. But also advise teens to set up a prayer space in their rooms other than their beds: • a comfortable chair with a night stand• an exercise mat• a corner table with a bible and candle. Like any person who goes full throttle during the day, a head resting on a cushiony pillow late at night will induce instant second stage sleep. So, prayer first, then bed.How long? Ten minutes is certainly doable. Tell them that ten minutes is only .69444 percent of their total day. The most difficult question to answer for teens is “how do I pray?” One definition of prayer is “entering into God’s presence.” So, your response should include any suggestions that can contribute to a teen being able to do that. Some ideas: • Review your day. Take some time to find ways that God came to you during the day.• Read a short passage from scripture. St. Augustine once randomly opened the Bible to find how God was speaking to him. This method may work for teens. However, encourage them to also read the pages before and after to get some more sense of how God is speaking to them.• Play a favorite song. What is some good news they hear in the lyrics?• Sit in the absolute silence of your room. Then notice the sounds emanating from the rest of your house (dad’s snoring, brother’s keyboard, mom in the kitchen). Praise God for your family.• Talk to Jesus. Use real words as do in conversations with friends. Then quiet yourself and listen for an answer.• Pray some favorite rote prayers from our Catholic faith. Really pay attention to the words. Ask the teens you teach to share some other ways they can incorporate prayer into their lives. Helping teens to name what they are already doing as prayer is a rather subtle skill that can escape even the most seasoned teacher or catechist. There are several occasions that are harder to recognize than football players on their needs or van-filled teenagers saying Hail Mary’s. One teenage girl shared with her class that she never prayed. She said her prayers had never been answered. This was the same girl whose family was a foster family to two infant sisters, born to a mother addicted to crack. This girl spent many nights rocking those two little babies to sleep. Aren’t experiences like that what prayer is about too?

Uncovering Real Beauty

Related to the video above, conduct a lesson on the meaning of true self-esteem. Say something like:People wear masks to cover up a part of their lives where they feel vulnerable. We have a need to recognize in ourselves, and have others recognize, that we are lovable. The greatest form of true recognition is to be loved and to love. There are constructive ways for this to take place. For example:Draw on support from people who recognize your goodness. These people are most often family members and close friends who love you as much as they love themselves.Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Try to avoid negative and self-defeating thoughts that begin with "I can't" or "I'm no godd" and restate them in positive terms: "I can draw very well" or "I am good at listening to others and offering my support." Also avoid negative thoughts about others. Accept all people as creations of the same Creator.Concentrate on what's really important. Is it more important to understand the English literature you've read or to get the best grade? Is it more important to be a loyal friend to someone who is not part of the "in" group or to follow a peer leader just so you can belong. Let your actions of being loved and offering love be the criteria for all that you do.Pray.Never forget that in God you have your number-one supporter. God cuts away all the excess of what you do or don't do and love you just the way you are. In order to achieve your full potential you must do as well as you can using all of your gifts. But as a child of God, you have been given the common need to love and to be loved. As St. Paul wrote: "Your every act should be done with love" (1 Cor 16:14).AssignmentComplete the following sentences: Someday I hope to . . .  I wish I could change . . .  I am trying to improve my character by . . .  People would like me better if  . . .  When I don't get my way I . . .  I am happiest when . . .  I am proud of __ because  . . .  When people tease me, I . . . 

Begin the Year with "Who Is God?"

In his engaging and and reflective article in the current America magazine, "God and the Teenage Mind," Brad Rothrock, a theology teacher, at St. Mary's High School in Lynn, Massachusetts reminds us to gauge what teens know and what they don't know and why it never hurts to begin any course with a discussion that starts with "Who is God?"   Chapter 1 of the text Catholic Essentials does begin with a reminder that we humans are made with a basic desire for God. Prior to a discussion of the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the text lays out nine attributes named by St. Thomas Aquinas that tell us about God's nature:   1. God is eternal. He has no beginning and no end. Or, to put it another way, God always was, always is, and always will be. 2. God is unique. God is the fullness of being and perfection. God is the designer of a one and only world. Even the people he creates are one of a kind. 3. God is infinite and omnipotent. There are no limits to God. Omnipotence is a word that refers to God’s supreme power and authority over all of creation. 4. God is omnipresent. This reminds us of a lesson we learned early in life: God sees everything. God has no space limitations. He is everywhere. You can never be away from God. 5. God contains all things. All of creation is under God’s care and jurisdiction. 6. God is immutable. God does not evolve. God does not change. God is the same God now as he always has been and always will be. 7. God is pure spirit. Though God has been described with human attributes (e.g., a wise old man with a long beard), God is not a material creation. God’s image cannot be made. God is a pure spirit who cannot be divided into parts. God is simple but complex. 8. God is alive. We believe in a living God, a God who acts in the lives of people. Most concretely, he came to this world in the incarnate form of Jesus Christ. 9. God is holy. God is pure goodness. God is pure love.  

WIN ---What's Important Now

The school year has opened and on Saturday, September 5 expectations are optimistically high for the college football season in many places, including the University of Notre Dame. Ready for success on the field and in the classroom (for you and your students)? You may wish to share some words of encouragement from Lou Holtz, coach of the 1988 National Champion Fighting Irish from his book A Teen's Game Plan for Life. It's great to have big dreams. But the way to make your dreams come true is through a series of smaller daily choices. This is where the WIN formula can help.You want to graduate tops in your class, or be an All-American? then ask yourself twenty-five times a day, "What's important now?"You wake up in the morning—"What's important now?" Get out of bed.You're out of bed—"What's important now?" Eat breakfast. You need your strength."What's important now?" Go to class."What's important now?" Sit in the front row. Be prepared.It's time to practice. "What's important now?" Use the weight room. It's there to help you get stronger. You don't use it because someone's looking, but because you've got to get stronger.When you're out Saturday night and there's opportunities for alcohol, or sex, or drugs? "What's important now?" If your dream is to be outstanding in whatever field you've chosen, then "what's important now" is to avoid these situations. -

The Kingdom of God Is like . . .

Have the students look up the following passages and match them to the truths about the Kingdom which they reveal. Matthew 13:31–32 Matthew 13:33 Matthew 18: 1–5 Matthew 18: 23–35 Mark 4:26–29 Luke 7:18–23   _ The Kingdom may start out small but it will soon grow.   _ The Kingdom, though small, will eventually transform the world.   _ The Kingdom exists in the person, deeds, and words of Jesus.   _ The Kingdom will grow even though we cannot see or explain how it is happening.   _ Forgiveness is an essential element of the Kingdom: We will be forgiven, therefore we must be forgiving.   _ In order to enter the Kingdom, we must recognize our own need for God.     Next, have the students complete their own analogies for the Kingdom of God.   The Kingdom of God is like . . .    The Kingdom of God is like . . . 

Pray the Creed--Live the Creed

The beginning of the school year is a good chance to pray and reflect on the statements of the Catholic creeds. Pray the Nicene Creed with your class. Ask the students to write or discuss the questions that follow. When you pray the words “We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church,” ask yourself: ·      How can I champion unity without becoming parochial? ·      How can I begin to make it easier for people to believe because of the goodness of my life, because of my becoming more like Christ? ·      How can I break down all the barriers that divide us so that everyone feels welcome? ·      How can I be apostolic—someone sent—to those hungry for good news? 

Guided Meditation: Readying Your Body for Prayer

Prior to classroom prayer—especially guided meditative prayer—it is wise to help your students unwind and relax. Several relaxation techniques can help. The following focuses on readying the physical body for prayer, especially connecting the five senses to the image and likeness that we bear to God. It was written by Fr. Thomas F. Catucci. Read this prelim to prayer slowly. Pause at each ellipse.     Gently close your eyes... And block out everything around you... Just relax and be still... With your eyes close...focus on your feet... Wiggle your toes... These are strong feet...feet that God created just for you... Feet that have felt the cool, wet sand at the beach... Feet that have felt the damp softness of fresh cut grass in the spring... Feet that have felt warm, squishy mud ooze up between the toes after a summer rain... Good feet...strong feet...feet that God will use...     Now with your eyes still closed...feel your legs... Strong legs...sturdy legs that God has given you... Legs that have climbed hills... Legs that have run and skated... Good legs...strong legs...legs that God will use...     And now just relax... Concentrate on your arms... Strong arms... Arms that have carried groceries... Arms that have dug in the garden... Arms that have shoveled in the snow... Arms that are strong enough to work hard... And gentle enough to wrap around someone you love... Strong arms...gentle arms... Arms that God will use to love others with... Relax...relax and be at peace...     Concentrate on your hands... Hands that are strong...strong to do housework... Strong to wash and clean... Hands that have written papers...dried dishes...combed hair... Hands that God has used to plan write love notes... Hands strong enough to scrub and polish...and gentle enough to wipe away tears... Strong hands...gentle hands...hands that God will use... Be at peace...and relax...     Concentrate on your ears...and all they've heard... Ears that God has used to hear the songs of birds returning home in the spring... Ears that have heard the laughter of children on a playground... The thunder of waves on the shore...of water falling into a lagoon... Have heard the beauty of music...the sound of night crickets... The harmony of laughing friends... And the tender whisper of an "I love you"... And be at peace.     Think of your eyes and all they have seen... The rainbow splashed against a fresh washed sky... Eggs hatching with new life... Snow drifting and covering the earth... The softness of fog drifting over a lake... Tulips opening in the morning sunrise... The gifts of God...the eyes to see gifts... And be at peace.   And we pray...

Jim McGinnis, R.I.P.

We are saddened by the death of Jim McGinnis, author, friend, and founder of the Institute for Peace and Justice in St. Louis. Jim died from an apparent heart attack while out for a walk near his family home.Jim created the manual Activities for Catholic Social Teaching: A Resource Guide for Teachers and Youth Ministers to provide several ancillary lessons and materials for high school teachers and students.Please follow the following link for information about Jim's funeral arrangements and a Facebook page devoted to sharing remembrances of his life.Our condolences are extended to Jim's wife, Kathy, and his entire family.