
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
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Hail Mary Reflection

Ask the students to reflect on the words of the "Hail Mary" as if they are hearing them for the first time. Quiet the room. Make sure the students sit with their backs straight, either on a chair or on the floor. Remind them that the first part of the prayer is contained in Scripture; the second part was added later as a formula of petition to Mary. Say: "As you hear the words, imagine you are hearing them for the first time. Let them sink in slowly so that you can reflect on their meaning. Play some background music (perhaps the "Ave Maria" or other Marian hymns). Then use the following script, praying each phrase of the Hail Mary in your own heart and slowly reading the reflections. Script (based on Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2676-2677) Hail Mary. (Pause.) God, through the messenger of Gabriel, greets Mary. A poor girl of an out-of-the-way village, Nazareth, Mary was probably an early adolescent when she heard this greeting. We are able to greet Mary in the same way and to exult in the same joy in Mary that God had for her.   Full of grace, the Lord is with thee. (Pause.) These two phrases are related. The reason Mary is full of grace is because the Lord is with her. The grace with which Mary is filled is the very life of God who is the source of all grace. Because she is full of grace, Mary is completely devoted to God who has come to dwell in her and whom she is about to bring into the world. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. (Pause.) These are the words with which Mary's cousin Elizabeth greets her. We join Elizabeth in greeting Mary this way. Elizabeth is the first of countless numbers of people from every generation who have called Mary "blessed." Mary is blessed because she believed and accepted for herself God's words to her. As the patriarch Abraham was the father of all believers, Mary has become the Mother of all the faithful, including a new generation of Gentile believers who are welcomed and received by her Son, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God. (Pause.) This beings the second movement of the prayer. Because she has given the world Jesus, Mary is the Mother of God. She is also our Mother as Jesus spoke from the cross to his beloved disciple John:" Behold your mother," Jesus said. We are deeply indebted to God for having given us Mary as our Mother. We, too, marvel with Elizabeth at this great gift, echoing her words: "And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" When we bring our prayer to Mary, like her, we give ourselves over to the will of God for ourselves. We say with Mary, "thy will be done." Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour our death. (Pause.) We acknowledge ourselves as poor sinners as we reach out to our Mother of Mercy. We give ourselves to Mary, first for today, and with an eye to the future when we will entrust our lives to Mary at the hour of our death. We pray in the confidence that she will lead us to her Son, Jesus, in paradise.

Islam through a Catholic Lens

Pope Benedict XVI is currently on a pilgrimage? across the Holy Land in which he is meeting with several political and religious leaders who are Muslim, Jewish, and Christian. On Monday he pleaded for the creation of a Palestinian homeland alongside of the state of Israel. Besides making sure your students are following this historic visit through the news, take some time to share this information on "Islam through a Catholic Lens" as excerpted from Exploring the Religions of Our World.   The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator in the first place, amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day (CCC, 841). While visiting Morocco in August 1985, Pope John Paul II met a group of Muslim youth. There he said, “Dialogue between Christians and Muslims is today more necessary than ever.” The truth of this statement has not dissipated. As two religious traditions with a common heritage, dialogue between the faiths with the two largest numbers of adherents in the world is late in coming. Yet, as children of Abraham, along with the Jews, Catholics have more in common with Muslims than we may think. In 1965, the Second Vatican Council instructed Catholics on the similarities between Catholics and Muslims. It said: The church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has also spoken to people. They strive to submit themselves without reserve to the hidden decrees of God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God’s plan, to whose faith Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not acknowledging him as God, they venerate Jesus as a prophet, his virgin mother they also honor and even at times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the Day of Judgment and the reward of God following the resurrection of the dead. For this reason, they highly esteem an upright life and worship God, especially by way of prayer, alms, deeds, and fasting. (Nostra Aetate, 3) There are also significant differences between Catholic and Muslim belief. One major difference is in the understanding of the nature of God. Though Muslims believe in one God, Catholics believe in one God who is in Three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the central mystery of Christian faith, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. This unity of persons within the One God is foreign to Muslim understanding, which cannot conceive of God manifesting self in any way. Of course, Catholics and Muslims also have a basic and essential difference in their understanding of Jesus. Catholics believe in the divinity of Christ and that he was at once both divine and human. Through the Paschal Mystery of his suffering, death, and resurrection, he won for mankind its redemption and salvation. Muslims do believe that Jesus existed; however, they do not acknowledge his divinity. Rather, they hold that Jesus was a prophet second only to Muhammad. More particularly, Muslims believe Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary but did not suffer a human death by crucifixion. Muslims believe that what seemed to be a crucifixion was an illusion created for some of Jesus’ enemies and that God raised Jesus to heaven. As Catholics engage in dialogue with Muslims, there are two things to remember from the point of view of Muslims. First, Muslims are acutely aware that most Catholics have an understanding of Muslims gleaned from the Western media. The negative images of Muslims connected with the events of September 11, 2001, and other terrorist attacks is a skewed view of the almost one billion Muslims in the world who subscribe to peaceful solutions and lifestyles. Second, Islam continues to react in many different ways in response to the Western colonialism of the seventeenth to twentieth centuries. Many Muslims believe that the fall of the great Islamic empires was due to their own religious laxity. For this reason, Muslims have attempted to purify their religion at least somewhat by isolating themselves from dialogue with other religions. Effective dialogue between Catholics and Muslims begins at the starting point of common beliefs. The nature of one God, the heritage of peoples formed from Abraham, and the sharing of positive and peaceful human values is the best place to start. Another important area is the common struggle both religions have with some modern “isms” such as secularism, materialism, and racism. Family life is central to both Catholics and Muslims. Preserving religious values and practices while avoiding these creeping outside pressures and strategies to do so are worthy goals of discussion. Issues like systemic prejudice, poverty, and the care of the environment also form common concerns. As the Second Vatican Council asserted, “there must be a sincere effort on both sides to achieve mutual understanding” (Nostra Aetate, #3). Review Questions 1.   List some similarities between Catholics and Muslims. 2.   Explain two major differences between Catholics and Muslims. 3.   What are two areas of concern when Muslims engage in inter-religious dialogue with Catholics? 4.   List some suggested areas of dialogue with Muslims  

Avoiding Alcohol Abuse; Becoming A Better Me

With the prom and graduation seasons approaching, teen drinking and alcohol abuse will be on the rise. Pray with your students for their commitment to live healthy and safe lives during these next few months and in the years ahead. Follow these directions:    1. Light a candle and darken the prayer space. Tell the students to enter the space quietly and stand around the candle. When all are present and silent, lead this prayer:     Dear God, alcohol and drugs have hurt many people we know. We seek your help to encourage them and ourselves to seek a right course and become the people you intend for us to be. We ask this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.     2. Say: "We all want to be a 'better me.' We all want to be healthy people in body, mind, and spirit. With God's help, the help of others, and our own persistence we can become the people God intends us to be."   Have the students reflect on and then answer the following questions, preferably in writing. What discourages you from treating your body in a healthy way? What discourages you from developing your mind to its fullest potential? What discourages you from knowing God better and putting God first in your life? 3. Call on volunteers to share their responses to the questions. Then recite together the following prayer of Charles de Foucald:     Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you: I am ready for all, I accept all. Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures— I wish no more than this, O Lord. Into your hands I commend my soul; I offer it to you with all the love of my heart, for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself into your  hands without reserve, and with boundless confidence, for you are my Father. Amen.     4. Tell the students to use the prayer as an inspiration to answer these questions:       What encourages you to treat your body in a healthy way? What encourages you to develop your mind to its fullest potential? What encourages you to know God better and to put God first in your life? 5. For the final prayer, ask the students to stand again around the candle and recite together the Our Father.

Scriptural Understanding of the Holy Spirit

At Confirmation, the bishop anoints the forehead of the candidate with chrism and recites these important words: "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." Learn some more about the Holy Spirit from Scripture. Read the following passages from the Old and New Testaments and briefly state the main point of the passage.1. The Promise of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments Isaiah 61:1-3, 6, 8-9 Ezekiel 36:24-28 Joel 2:23; 3:1-3 John 14:15-17 2. The Coming of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-6 Acts 19: 1-6 Mark 1:9-11 3. The Role of the Holy Spirit Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 Romans 8:14-17 4. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:4-13 Galatians 5:16-25 5. Responsibility of Christians to the Holy Spirit Ephesians 4:1-6 Matthew 16:24-27 John 14:23-26

Ave, María, grátia plena

May is the month of Mary. Mary also has her own day dedicated to her in each and every week throughout the year. The tradition of honoring Mary on Saturday goes back to the very first Holy Saturday, the day that Jesus lay in the tomb. It was Mary who waited anxiously but faithfully on that day in anticipation of the Resurrection. At the Council of Trent in the sixteenth century, the practice of offering a special or votive Mass to Mary on Saturdays was included in the Roman Missal. The Second Vatican Council also supported this tradition.Catholics are called to do something special to honor Mary on Saturdays, especially during the Saturdays of May. This may include attending a Saturday morning Mass, doing a special work of charity, or praying the rosary.Recently, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged teens to learn the Latin text for key prayers, including the Hail Mary. Consider helping teens to memorize the Hail Mary in Latin. You may also wish to play a recording of Ave Maria to help them in their task. Hail Mary, full of grace,the Lord is with thee.Blessed art thou among womenand blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God,pray for us sinners nowand at the hour of our death. Amen.Ave, María, grátia plena,Dóminus tecum.Benedicta tu in muliéribus,et benedíctus fructus ventristui, Iesus.Sancta María, Mater Dei,ora pro nobis peccatoribusnunc et in hora mortis nostrae.Amen.

Distinctive Gospel Passages

Directions: Each of the following events or stories is in only one Gospel. Have the students work either on their own or with a partner to read through the Gospels and identify the Gospel, chapter, and verse for each. Jesus washes the feet of the Apostles at the Last Supper. Jesus raises back to life the son of the widow Nain. The wedding feast at Cana and the changing of water into wine. The eight Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount. A young man, who had his linen clothes torn away from in the Garden of Olives, runs away naked. The parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus is laid in a manger at birth. Jesus makes a charcoal fire on the seashore for the disciples and cooks fish and bread. Jesus is crucified at nine o'clock in the morning. Jesus tells Martha that her sister Mary has chosen the better part. Jesus appears to the Apostles on a mountain in Galilee after he rises from the dead. A star appears over the place of Jesus' birth. The parable of the Prodigal or Lost Son. This Gospel begins at Jesus' baptism when he is thirty years old. Jesus tells the repentant criminal on the next cross: "Today you will be with me in paradise." Jesus reads the thoughts of the woman at the well. Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is pregnant with John the Baptist. The parable of the two sons, one of whom who worked for his father even though he originally refused. Jesus looks with love on a rich young man. Peter is the first to enter Jesus' empty tomb. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem before he cleanses the Temple. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph travel to Egypt to escape King Herod's death threat. The parable of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead after he has been lying four days in the tomb. Zacchaeus, the tax collector, comes down from the sycamore tree and has Jesus stay with him. Jesus saves the woman caught in adultery by saying, "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." Pontius Pilate orders guards to be placed at Jesus' tomb. Jesus and the Twelve have their traveling expenses paid by a number of rich women. Jesus carried his cross all by himself, with no help. Vernonica wipes the face of Jesus while he is carrying the cross and receives an impression of his face on her veil. Answers: 1. John 13:4-10; 2. Luke 7:11-17; 3. John 2:1-11; 4. Matthew 5:3-12; 5. Mark 14:51; 6. Luke 10: 29-37; 7. Luke 2:7; 8. John 21: 9; 9. Mark 15:25; 10. Luke 10:38-42; 11. Matthew 28:16; 12. Matthew 2:9; 13. Luke 15:11-32; 14. Mark 1: 9; 15. Luke 23: 43; 16. John 4:4-26; 17. Luke 1:39-45; 18. Matthew 21: 28-32; 19. Mark 10: 21; 20. John 20:1-6; 21. Luke 19:41; 22. Matthew 2:13-15; 23. Matthew 25:1-13; 24. John 11:1-44; 25. Luke 19:1-10; 26. John 8:7; 27. Matthew 27:63-66; 28. Luke 8:2-3; 29. John 19:17; 30. Not in any Gospel—legend. 

Information on Catholic Colleges

The following material encouraging high school students to investigate the possibilities for attending a Catholic College is from Marriage and Holy Orders: Your Call to Love and Serve. Share the information with the students and have them investigate information on Catholic colleges at the National Catholic College Admission Association.   There are over two hundred Catholic colleges in the United States. They have undergraduate enrollments of all sizes—from under 1,000 students to over 20,000 students. They are also located in every region of the country in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Some Catholic universities also have renowned medical and law schools and offer several other professional and graduate degrees. Besides these basic facts, there are some other reasons for you to consider attending a Catholic college. For example:   • Community environment. At a Catholic college you won’t be treated like a number. You will meet new friends of many different racial, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds. You will be supported by caring professors and staff. • Moral environment. Don’t be fooled, students at Catholic colleges are not perfect and make their share of immoral choices. However, the policies of the institution itself will be geared to promote Christian morality (e.g., speaking out for the right to life for everyone, from the unborn to the aged and infirmed.) • Global environment. One of the marks of the Church is that it is catholic or universal. The first universities were Catholic and connected to monasteries. There are Catholics and Catholic colleges worldwide and many of the Catholic colleges in the United States have excellent study abroad programs. Also, courses are taught from a global perspective where solidarity with the entire human race—especially the poor—is stressed. • Faith environment. Whether it is a crucifix in a classroom, a priest or religious serving as a rector in a dorm, a required theology course, or the celebration of the sacraments on campus, a Catholic college offers the opportunity to continue to practice the faith you first learned in your family and will want to practice in your own life and family in the future. Father Bernie O’Connor, OSFS, a Catholic college president, wrote that preparing students for life is the number one reason for a student to attend a Catholic college. He added: “We know what makes a successful marriage, we know what is required for a happy and productive career, we know what it takes to care for children, we know about the struggles of the elderly, the sick, the disabled, the forgotten.” If you are not able to attend a Catholic college, most public colleges sponsor a Newman Club, named after John Henry Cardinal Newman who was raised in the Anglican Church of the early nineteenth century before converting to Catholicism at the age of forty-two. In the past, it was rare for Catholics to attend non-Catholic colleges. The first Newman Club was sponsored at the University of Pennsylvania in 1883, insisting that its members not become “clannish or narrow in a religious sense.” This motivation continues today as Newman Clubs have an inter-faith focus while including celebration of the sacraments, RCIA classes, and catechetical studies more specifically for their Catholic members.

Getting to Know Jesus

The Easter Season is a time for students to deepen their relationship with Jesus. Here is a short activity from Catholic Essentials: An Overview of the Faith. Christians are to imitate the values of Jesus in their own lives. Here are some of the things Jesus valued. Conversion Commitment Service Community Fellowship Forgiveness Healing Love Leadership Reconciliation Trust Family Life Jesus instituted the sacraments from his own life and values. Read the following Gospel passages. Determine which sacrament each one points to. Names some values of Jesus that each passage represents:     Matthew 3:13-17; 9:35-36; 16:15-16; 28:16-20 Mark 1:40-45; 8:22-26 Luke 7:36-50; 12: 8-12; 22: 14-20 John 2:1-11; 6:47-58; 16:5-16; 20:19-23