Transformed by Love: The Woman at the Well and Mary Magdalene
Meg Hunter-Kilmer
Meg Hunter-Kilmer brings the Woman at the Well and Mary Magdalene to life in this week’s episode about the radical love that Jesus has for us. Meg also tells Sarah Christmyer why “his pierced hands” has a special meaning for her. Join us as we also pray together with a scripture passage that speaks of the Lord’s love.
Meg Hunter-Kilmer is a Catholic speaker and author of Pray for Us. Meg contributed more than a dozen Women of the Word portraits and essays to the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible. Learn more about Meg or connect with her at piercedhands.com, Hobo for Christ Podcast, or on Instagram at mhunterkilmer.
Take Meg’s Favorite Scripture About God's Love to Your Next Holy Hour
Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, open my heart and mind to hear your word today.
Read the Word: Matthew 10:29–31
(Read it in your own Bible to get the context, and so you can make notes.)
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s will. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Ponder the Word: Read several times, lingering where it touches your heart. What catches your attention? What do you hear the Lord saying to you?
Pray with the Word: Bring to the Lord what you have heard, and talk to him about it. Ask for his grace. Thank him for his loving care.
Live the Word: How does what you read touch your life? What can you do this week to put it into practice?
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